The Year Zero Booklet at a glance

Just got my hands on it. I knew, as soon as I looked at it, there were more websites to be found somewhere in the backgrounds of the lyrics, more stories and secrets of the world of Year Zero.

And so, I broke out the magnifying glass. To my surprise, I was correct, I managed to decode a few numbers hinted at by highlighted letters in the booklet, and dig a few scrambled numbers and words out of the backgrounds. Here's what I got:

on survivalism page
17593 314547

on the good soldier

on vessel

me, i'm not
Highlighted letters: s e v e n f i v e

capital G
highlighted letters: s e v e n t w o

my violent heart
highlighted letters: 0 (zero) in "st0p"
s e v e n

the warning
13971 126871 314697
highlighted letters: t w o
0 (zero) in "t0"

god given
highlighted letters: f i v e t h r e e
179 174639

meet your master
179 (631 -- 3 looks upside down -- 931?)
highlighted letters: t h r e e (a?)

the greater good
highlighted: 3 (lyric) t h r e e

the great destroyer
highlighted: t h r e e n i n e

I might be observant, but I'm not much of a problem solver, you can figure out what to do with these codes if you want. Let me know if you think you know how to decode anything, I'd be quite interested. Just so you know where it came from, all numbers where hidden in the background designs, and all the letters were hidden in the lyrics (various letters were highlighted in each song, when combined they spelled out numbers).

I got lazy after the great destroyer, and didn't catch on to the highlighted letters until after the first few songs, so go check for yourself ;)

Posted byJoe at 4:02 PM  


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