Holy shit
Monday, May 14, 2007
Haven't posted on here in over a month. It always happens like this. I get real into it, type a bunch of posts, then eventually I start to spread any creativity I might have over multiple mediums, and it all sort of slows down in general. Then I just kinda wear myself down and stop posting all together. Getting a bit overeager I suppose.
Well anyway, what have I been upto? I made four new videos, partied with friends, started a wordpress blog and a secret society (shhh). I've been busy I suppose. Not too busy to post on here, that was probably out of sheer laziness or lack of shit to write about. I guess I'll start posting again more regularly, keep updates on my videos too. Thats something I'm genuinely ashamed of. I made FOUR (count them) videos, and didn't post one of them on here. Horrible, really.
Anyway, I've been real talkative lately, probably due to the fact that all I've got left in Minnesota is summer before I head alllll the way over to Eau Claire, Wisconsin. So talk me up.
Posted byJoe at 10:17 PM