A word on belief

We had a discussion about chastity today in religion class. Our religion teacher, 40-some years old, is all for chastity of course. Whats the downside? Lets look at the pros:

- God doesn't want you to have sex before marriage
- Sex before marriage can result in early/unplanned/teenage pregnancy
- Sex can result in contraction of STD's. Chastity prevents spread of disease
- You can focus less on sex, and "actually get to know the other person"
- You won't get denied at the gates for too much porking

Those were pretty much all the arguments he gave for chastity. Needless to say, I was upset. I completely disagree with all that shit. Cept for maybe the STD part. I'd like to point out, by the way, that my religion teacher is a virgin. So he isn't really an authority on sex. At all. Who is he to say that you can't search for god in a suck or a fuck? I certainly have. Hell, I might have seen him a few times, mid-thrust, or maybe right at the end. On second thought, I know I have. Come to think of it, I think a good way to describe the climax of a sexual experience to be something like getting a high-five from god himself. Wouldn't that be great? Somehow, you and god are such good buds, you are on a first name basis, and when he hears you had a good time with some nice guy or gal, he's so happy for you, he fucking puts his hand up, and you slam your palm into his. Glorious.

Well anyway, back to what I was talking about before. Christianity is really starting to bug the fuck out of me. Telling people not to do this, that, and the other thing. "Don't do it!" they say, "Don't even try it! You'll burn!" at least thats what they make it seem like. Its hypocritical really, think about it, why have such strict laws, if one can always repent? Furthermore, why the fuck does sex seem to get more attention than violence and murder? (I think I might be on the verge of rambling, so I'll try to keep it linear...) Anyway, let me explain my view before I continue.

Life is all about experience, what you experience is always to your benefit, in one way or another. And all that you don't experience, all that you avoid, is a loss on your part. Now, of course, you need to take into account things done to you as well. Its obvious that if you were forced into a situation completely against your will, that there may be less to gain, in fact, you may even lose a part of yourself (I'll get back to "losing" yourself later). But like I said, life is about experience. If you can experience, chances are you can, or at least you can try to understand. Understand everything, why did it happen, why did it feel the way it felt, why, why, why. Its important to be optimistic, because while I can maintain this belief system and stay very happy, at times, it can also be very depressing. So keep it on the up.

A bit more about me, if you don't mind. I try to get closer to god, by finding absolute truths. If I can't refute it, I can't say its not holy. Theres a little bit of god in everything when you look at it that way. Western religion loves to have the one almighty deity, and most associate polytheism with cavemen, human sacrifice, and the devil. But look at it like this. If theres a little bit of god in everything, then theres obviously a lot of god, whatever it is. And if its in a lot of different things, how is it hard to think that different manifestations might have different characteristics? I'm bored with this topic, and feel like I'm trying a little to hard to find some deep meaning in something I don't really give much of a shit about, so, moving on.

Everything I do, gets me closer to god (thank you NIN :P). Its just a matter of thinking about it. Think about what you do, but try not to spend so much time thinking about what you don't do (more specifically, what you won't do, what you refuse to do).

Posted byJoe at 5:31 PM  


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