What to do with life?
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Me 'n a couple guys were discussing the future today. You know, college and whatnot. Majors, professions, career paths. Every so often when I spend a good hour or so thinking about my life ten years from now, I end up making the transition from stressing to not giving a fuck. I could be happy pumping gas, as long as I'm having a good time.
People love money. So I. Its nice to have nice things. I'd love to be rich and famous, drive one car and own nine, live it up every night, struggle with drug addiction for a few years, then go clean after a bit of rehab. After kicking the drugs, I think I'd do something healthier, like drink smoothies and work out. After I get real buff, my badass rockstar habits might make a comeback, and I'll dabble in and out of a party lifestyle, meet a beautiful woman, and marry her. No, wait. At this point I'd be about 30. And 30 year old women aren't that attractive. So fuck women, I'd get me a pretty girl, 18 or 19. Actually, make that two girls. Because I'm rich, and money buys more freedoms. Then I'd phase out of mainstream culture, and suffer from depression. Probably die of a drug overdose around 45-50, maybe earlier.
Or I could be a doctor. But I hate science, needles, and lack the seriousness to deal with any sort of awkward situations (like handling ballsacks or informing a terminally ill patient of his or her unfortunate fate). I'd write, but I suck at that. I'd be an artist, but I'd rather keep my sanity and a little money in my wallet. Music would be great, but its unstable, and I'm not really any sort of prodigy, just a player. I could go through a million reasons and a million careers, honestly.
So whats the point? The point of writing this, I mean. The point is that there isn't a point to stressing about it. Think about it all you want, but anyone worrying ought to take a chill pill.
Posted byJoe at 11:44 PM
Labels: career, chill, College, fate, future, grow, job, life, path, reflection