Digitally produced music.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
A new passion. I have to give credit where its due, Trent Reznor is all the inspiration for this. I'm still learning piano, yes, but I've found myself yet another creative outlet. The new album, to be released in April, was produced by Trent on a laptop. With technology today, its easy to take one sound, and turn it into an entire song. It takes a bit of technological know-how, but once you get the hang of it, its really pretty easy.
The program I prefer for now, is Sony Acid. Its easy to use, doesn't require too much of my computer, so it runs well too. I've been using scraps of my earlier recordings to make all sorts of strange sounds. I really like the dirty, eerie sounds that NIN makes, so as far as influence is concerned: NIN. Hopefully I'll start cranking out some music once I get a good feel for this stuff :)
Let me know if you're interested in picking up the hobby.
This sort of music can be tedious, so I could use a little help :P
Posted byJoe at 3:38 PM
Labels: acid, digital, inch, music, nails, nine, produce, reznor, sony, trent