Personal FAQ: Part II

Catch part I here

Anyway. Thought I'd make another, shorter one.

Q: What is the purpose of this blog?
A: Oh thats easy. Its obviously SHUT UP.

Q: Do you have a Myspace addiction.
A: Yes. But I've been cutting down. Don't have to quit all at once you know. I've got my whole life ahead of me!

Q: Why are you such a hypocrite?
A: Why are you such a hypocrite? Hypocrite.

Q: Will you go out with me?
A: No. Send nudes, though. kthx :D

Q: Do you have any bad habits?
A: Yeah. This, myspace, facebook, the internet in general, drugs, women, and I also bite my fingernails sometimes (thats the worst one).

Q: Why aren't you going to UNLV?
A: Apparently, I'm at the receiving end of a bad joke. That school isn't really a school. It's more like a place where you go, party, get old, then die young, working as a hotel manager. Plus it would have cost a lot :( Anyway, I'm going to UW - Eau Claire now. Which is fine. I like drinking anyway.

Posted byJoe at 7:08 PM  


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