Neglected chatting services.

Google Talk and Skype

Not only do these programs let you talk to people like you would on AIM/MSN, you can also do all that fancy video chat, and voice chat. The voice chat is what intregues me. Google talk has it, sort of like AIM does, but skype offers phonecalls and voicemail. Granted, those cost a little money, but not much. I think its spiffy. But apparently noone else does.

Oh yeah, Skypes also cool because it has these... public chats. Where you can talk about whatever. Like for example. I was looking at the topics (many are in foreign languages, skype is apparently much more popular in the middle-east) and came accross "PHONE SEX ONLY 21 AND UP!!!" I wouldn't have entered, had I not noticed the number of users participating... Twenty-Three. It was fucking hilarious. You'd have to hear it to understand it though.

I'm in awe at how few people use these things.

Posted byJoe at 2:15 PM  


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