BSN Supplement Guide

A Short Talk About this Supplement Guide:
Thought I'd change things up a bit, since talking about my lack of masturbation has already gotten a bit bland (not that I'm dropping that as a point of interest. Still in it to win it baby, new video journal tonight!). And on a related topic, since exercise is probably the best way to avoid a run in with my friend "Jill" each night, I thought I'd fill everyone in on what supplements and dieting programs I'm using :)

I'm a firm believer in most of this stuff, simply because it works! I use three products from BSN, and hopefully will be starting a fourth this summer. My current three are from what BSN refers to as THE MASS STACK (lol). This includes NO-XPLODE, CELLMASS, and their Syntha-6 Protein Blend. In a nutshell, the NO-X gives me the energy, the Cellmass provides quick recovery, and the protein provides the nutrients my body needs to build muscle.

Check out BSN Products at their site HERE

The Cost:
The stuff isn't cheap, well if you buy it at GNC anyway. You can still get a relatively good deal with one of their nifty little Gold Cards though. Since most of the stuff is usually BOGO (Buy one, get one half off) you can get about a month to two months worth of both Cellmass and NO-X for around $60-$80. The protein is an additional $20, but you could get cheap whey protein for alot cheaper, I just prefer Syntha-6 for the taste. So if you're financially crippled by this information, you have three options:
1. Get in shape the old fashioned way and say "fuck supplements"
2. Sign up for BSN's performance autoshipping thing and get like 50% off everything
3. Buy the supplements from an online third-party (I recommend ebay! its like $30 for two tubs of NO-XPLODE, which would be like... over $90 at a GNC WITH DISCOUNTS... fuckin' GNC...)

The Pros:
These supplements have done wonders for me. In spite of my partying and drinking habits that I've had for awhile, I'm still in what I would consider the best shape of my life. Going into the summer of 2006 I weighed around 130 lbs. I now weigh around 145-150 naturally. The catch is, I haven't gained any fat. The weight I gained was about 70-80% muscle. What does that mean? That means that these will work for you whatever you're trying to do. If I was trying to lose weight, all I would have to do is adjust my intake of protein, carbohydrates, and fats each day, and maybe cut one meal down or even out. But I'm not, I'm trying to bulk up, as I understand lots of guys try to do. I firmly believe that it is easier to lose weight than to gain it (though this may only be because my body grows/gains slow as hell), and these supplements have most definitely helped me to achieve my goals.

Another positive I'd like to address is the interest in health that these products have instilled in me. The first time I took them, I was astounded at their effectiveness, so I did research. I learned a shitload about healthy eating and exercise, and I feel that everyone interested in living healthily should do a bit of reading on these matters. All I did was go to Wikipedia, and search up topics like exercise, carbohydrate, fat, protein, along with information on some of the ingredients in the supplements I took, so that I could better grasp how they functioned in my body.

The Cons:
These supplements do have a few downsides. But with proper use, it should be easy to avoid most of them. The first is that they are complex. You need to understand how they work in order to reap what you sow. Here's an example of some of the info I had to gather (mostly from forums and friends).
1. Cycle lengths - Are the amount of time you spend using the supplement and working out, before taking a break. Generally use cycles are 8-12 weeks, followed by a 3-4 week break. These exist to get maximum effect from the supplements, and to avoid letting your body build up a dependency on them.
Overdosing - Not as dangerous as it sounds. But still something you'll want to avoid. The ingredients in these supplements (especially NO-XPLODE) are very powerful. Its easy to attempt a higher dose for more energy, but your body has a threshold for how much it can handle comfortably. There isn't any risk of death as far as I know, but you could make yourself very sick. Carefully read the instructions on each tub before using. My experience with NO-X involved 3 heaping scoops dissolved in a glass of water. This is the maximum dose, and I took it on my first day. Needless to say, I felt great for about 10 minutes, then crashed, much like a caffeine overdose (chills, nausea, lethargy).
3. NO-XPLODE - Just a note. Every single time I've taken NO-X, I've taken a dump less than 5 minutes after ingestion. Just putting that out there.
4. Order and Diet - This blurb is getting long, I know. So this is the last thing I'll talk about. Each supplement has a special function (NO-X: ignition, CELLMASS: recovery, Protein: nutrients, etc...) and thus, needs to be taken in correct order at correct times. Protein and water intake are key every day, as well as carbohydrates to provide energy. Drink lots of juice, eat meat, protein bars, drink your milk, all that good stuff. I highly recommend reading about nutrition on Wikipedia, at least briefly to gain an understanding of how to properly balance your intake each day!

In Conclusion,
I think these things are a great idea for anyone who wants to get in shape. Even if you cant afford the fancy performance enhancing wonder-drugs, I'd at least recommend some protein, either as a meal replacement, or additional food daily. I'm certainly going to keep using them as long as I'm financially able. Thanks for reading! Please feel free to send me any questions you might have, however smart or stupid. If I have time to write something like this, I have time to talk to you :P

Links: GNC Online, BSN Online, Wikipedia

Posted byJoe at 2:02 PM  


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