Personal FAQ

I feel that every person has certain questions that they must, or should, answer, in order for others to fully understand him/her as an individual.

So here are mine.

Q: Who are you?
A: My name is Joe. I'm a student. Currently a senior. I live in Minnesota where I have a handful of friends, and family.

Q: Do you have any hobbies?
A: Yes. I enjoy music very much. I play guitar, and I sing a bit. I love mixed martial arts. I feel that MMA is the most competitive, complex, and entertaining sport in existence. I spend quite a bit of time on those first two things, but other wise I like to just chill out. And occassionally party. But mostly just chill out.

Q: Do you pee in the shower?
A: Everyone pees in the shower.

Q: Favorite food?
A: Balogna and two pieces of wonderbread. Simple. Perfect.

Q: Do you seriously want to be a cage fighter?
A: Yes. I'm dead serious about that. Laugh all you want. I'm gonna be a celebrity. Actually, I can't help but laugh at that myself.

Q: Favorite band? Genres?
A: Nine Inch Nails. I know. Still. And as far as genres, everything. 'Cept polka.

Q: Idols?
A: Tito Ortiz, Randy Couture, Trent Reznor. I don't feel like listing the one's that are dead.

Q: Why do you do the things you do?
A: Because.

Q: Where are you going to college?
A: University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Maybe.

Q: You spend a lot of time editing your myspace. Are you a myspace whore?
A: No. I just like web design. Something I've sort of been dabbling in since 3rd grade.

Q: Not all of my questions were answered. What should I do?!
A: Wait for me to write Part II of the FAQ. Under no circumstances should you ever ask me a question ever. Kidding. Just ask. Even if its stupid. I could use a laugh.

Posted byJoe at 9:02 PM  


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